Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Gravitant published in latest Gartner Report

What makes a Cloud Services Broker (CSB)?
Gartner identifies three primary roles that qualify a company to be a CSB:

  • Aggregation (across VARs, IT distributors etc)

  • Integration (with SIs etc)

  • Customization (for SIs, PS etc)

"As both an enabler and a cloud brokerage, Gravitant pulls together a number of the capabilities that IT organizations, VARs and SIs, and public cloud providers can use to extend the value of their offerings." - Daryl Plummer (Gartner Analyst)

Full report here...

1 comment:

Government Cloud Hubs – Shared Services Cloud Architecture « Cloud Computing Best Practices said...

[...] Brokers - As highlighted in their blog, Gravitant were recently profiled by Gartner, who described the key features of what constitutes as a ‘Cloud Broker’, basically [...]