The list of key optimization problems currently being solved from the cloud providers' perspective is shown below. If you would like to add/update your work to this list, please leave a comment with the model category, research title, authors, and publication date. One of our researchers will add it to the list after verification.
Model Category | Research Title | Authors | Publication Date |
Data Center Location Planning | Optimal Location of Data Centers and Software Components in Cloud Computing Network Design | Larumbe,F. Sanso,B. | 2012 |
Data Center Capacity Planning | Energy Cost and Availability Considerations in Cloud Services Composition | Dube,P. | in progress |
Optimal Arrival And Service Control of Multi-server Queues with Application to Cloud Computing | Lee,N. Kulkarni,V. | in progress | |
Selective Commitment and Selective Margin: Techniques to Minimize Cost in an IaaS Cloud | Hong,Y. Thottethodi,M. Xue,J. | in progress | |
End-to-End Performability Analysis for Infrastructure-as-a-Service Cloud: An Interacting Stochastic Models Approach | Ghosh,R. Trivedi,K. Naik,V. Kim,D.S. | in progress | |
Design of a Power Efficient Cloud Computing Environment: Heavy Traffic Limits and QoS | Shroff,N. Sinha,P. Tan,J. Zheng,Y. | in progress | |
Availability, At What Cost? | Naik,V. Ghosh,R. Longo,F. Trivedi,K. | in progress | |
Asymptotic Service Availability in Large-scale Service Networks | Xia,C. George,D. Squillante,M.S. | in progress | |
On the Power of (even a little) Resource Pooling | Tsitsiklis,J.N. Xu,K. | preprint | |
Estimated system reliability of a cloud computing network subject to maintenance budget | Lin,Y. Chang,P. | 2012 | |
Evaluating Overheads of Integrated Multilevel Checkpointing Algorithms in Cloud Computing Environment | Singh,D. Singh,J. Chhabra,A. | 2012 | |
A Hierarchical Model to Evaluate Quality of Experience of Online Services hosted by Cloud COmputing | Qian,H. Medhi,D. Trivedi,K. | 2011 | |
Designing and Evaluating an Energy Efficient Cloud | Lefevre,L. Orgerie,A.C. | 2010 | |
Data Center Scheduling | Online Dynamic Capacity Provisioning in Data Centers | Lin,M. Andrew,L. Liu,Z. Thereska,E. Wierman,A. | in progress |
Power-aware Linear Programming Based Scheduling for Heterogeneous Server Clusters | Al-Daoud,H. Al-Azzoni,I. Down,D. | in progress | |
Online Dynamic Capacity Provisioning in Data Centers | Lin,M. Wierman,A. Andrew,L. Thereska,E. | in progress | |
Efficient Control of an M/Mt/kt Queue with Application to Energy management in Data Centers | Mateus,C.R. Gautam,N. | preprint | |
Adaptive scheduling strategies for cloud-based resource infrastructures | Deng,L. Yu,Q. Peng,J. | 2012 | |
An Optimal Algorithm for Resource Scheduling in Cloud Computing | Li,Q. | 2012 | |
On Energy-aware Aggregation of Dynamic Temporal Demand in Cloud Computing | Qian,H. Li,F. Medhi,D. | 2012 | |
Server Operational Cost Optimization for Cloud Computing Service Providers over a Time Horizon | Qian,H. Medhi,D. | 2011 | |
Optimality Analysis of Energy-performance Trade-off for Server Farm Management | Gandhi,A. Gupta,V. Harchol-Balter,M. Kozuch,M. | 2010 | |
Hardware Load Balancing | Provisioning for Large Scale Loss Network Systems with Application in Cloud Computing | Tan,Y. Lu,Y. Xia,C. | in progress |
Provisioning for Cloud Computing Services via Non-parametric Adaptive Learning | Tan,Y. Xia,C. | in progress | |
Efficient Management of Demand Loads in Cloud Computing Environments | Sethuraman,S. Gautam,N. Ntaimo,L. | in progress | |
An Efficient Service Policy for IaaS in Cloud Computing | Choi,J.Y. Kim,M. | in progress | |
IP Column Generation for a Service Deployment Problem | Gullhav,A.N. Nygreen,B. | in progress | |
Service Deployment Decisions in Cloud Data Centers Based on Service Level Agreements | Gullhav,A.N. Heegard,P. Nygreen,B. | in progress | |
On Efficiently Placing Applications and contents | Gautam,N. Ntaimo,L. Sethuraman,S. | in progress | |
Cloud Computing Management with Constraint Programming | RĂ©gin,J. | in progress | |
Constraint Programming for Cloud Computing | Aharoni,M. Boni,O. Hadad,E. Moatti,Y. | in progress | |
SLA-based Optimization of Power and Migration Cost in Cloud Computing | Goudarzi,H. Ghasemazar,M. Pedram,M. | preprint | |
CloudGPS: A Scalable and ISP-Friendly Server Selection Scheme in Cloud Computing Environments | Ding,C. Chen,Y. Xu,T. Fu,X. | preprint | |
Energy Efficient Allocation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Data Centers | Beloglazov,A. Buyya,R. | preprint | |
Policy based resource allocation in IaaS cloud | Nathani,A. Chaudhary,S. Somani,G. | 2012 | |
Analysis of a Pool Management Scheme for Cloud Computing Centers | Hazaei,H. Misic,J. Misic,V. Rashwand,S. | 2012 | |
Dual time-scale distributed capacity allocation and load redirect algorithms for cloud systems | Ardagna,D. Casolari,S. Colajanni,M. Panicucci,B. | 2012 | |
Energy Efficient Allocation of Virtual Machines in Cloud Computing Environments Based on Demand Forecast | Cao,J. Wu,Y. Li,M. | 2012 | |
Optimizing QoS in Distributed Systems / Cloud Computing Architectures | Sahlin,J. Sarkani,S. Mazzuchi,T. | 2012 | |
Model-driven auto-scaling of green cloud computing infrastructure | Dougherty,B. White,J. Schmidt,D. | 2012 | |
Dynamic optimization of power and powerformance for virtualized server clusters | Petrucci,V. Loques,O. Mosse,D. | 2010 | |
A game-theoretic method of fair resource allocation for cloud computing services | Wei,G. Vasilakos,A. Zheng,Y. Xiong,N. | 2010 | |
A Business Driven Cloud Optimization Architecture | Litoiu,M. Woodside,M. Wong,J. Ng, J. Iszlai,G. | 2010 | |
Intrusion Detection / Prevention | Cloud Computing Infrastructure Robustness: A Game Theory Approach | Zhuang,J. He,F. Rao,N. Poole,S. Ma,C. Yau,D. | 2012 |
Understanding Cloud Computing Vulnerabilities | Grobauer,B. Walloschek,T. Stocker,E. | 2011 | |
Product/Services Packaging | Optimizing a Cloud-based Service Design using Social Media | Zadeh,A. Sharda,R. | in progress |
Service Differentiation in Large-Scale Systems | Yao,J. Maglaras,C. Zeevi,A. | in progress | |
Risk-aware SLA Design for Enterprise Information Systems | Neumann,D. Hedwig,M. Malkowski,S. | in progress | |
Competition Dynamics in Cloud Computing Market | Ghasemkhani,H. Tan,Y. | in progress | |
Cloud Computing: Implications on Software Network Structure and Security Risks | August,T. Niculescu,M. Shin,H. | in progress | |
Product/Services Pricing | Pricing Differentiated Services in Cloud Computing Market | Du,L. | in progress |
Strategic Pricing and Capacity Planning in Cloud Computing Markets | Nunez,M. Bai,X. Du,L. | in progress | |
Payment Incentives to Trade-off Speed and Quality in Large Service Systems | Ward,A. Zhan,D. | in progress | |
The Economics of the Cloud: Price Competition and Congestion | Xu,Y. Anselmi,J. Ardagna,D. Liu,J. Wierman,A. Yang,Z. | in progress | |
Pricing of Service in Clouds: Optimal Response and Strategic Interactions | Shanbhag,U. Kesidis,G. Bhuvan,U. Wang,C. | in progress | |
Designing Pricing Policies for Cloud Service Providers | Sharma,M. Basu,S. Chakraborty,S. | in progress | |
Efficient Resource Provisioning in Compute Clouds via VM Multiplexing | Meng,X. Isci,C. Kephart,J. Zhang,L. Bouillet,E. Pendarakis,D. | in progress | |
Fixed and market pricing for cloud services | Abhishek,V. Kash,I. Key,P. | 2012 | |
Learning Curves and Stochastic Models for Pricing and Provisioning Cloud Computing Services | Gera,A. Xia,C.H. | 2011 | |
Why Cloud Computing Will Never Be Free | Durkee,D. | 2010 | |
A View of Cloud Computing | Armbrust,M. Fox,A. Friffith,R. Joseph,A.D. Katz,R. Konwinskii,A. Lee,G. Patterson,D. Rabkin,A. Stoica,I. Zaharia,M. | 2010 |
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1 comment:
Great work!
Thank you for adding our paper in the model category "Data Center Location Planning". Just a correction in the title. The whole title is "Optimal Location of Data Centers and Software Components in Cloud Computing Network Design" (link in IEEExplore).
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